Travel across South Africa
“Accoustic Diary” – series at ORF radio. Reports in Profil magazine, series of articles inVolksstimme. Multi-media presentation at various schools about everyday apartheid in South Africa.
Travel across Central America
Report for ORF radio on Nicaragua. Article in Profil magazine. Journalistic highlights: interview with leader of the Miskito, organisation of natives, just hours prior to their arrest, which had been ordered by the Sandinist government. Escape from Nicaragua. Two days at “Escuela de las America”, a CIA-school for dictators such as Somoza, Videla, Pinochet, etc., in Canal Zone, Panama. Report in konkret (monthly magazine ).
“Sklaven und Herren in der Wüste”
ORF -documentary about slavery in Mauretania. Written and directed by me. Article inBasta magazine and daily newspaper Kurier.
Murder in Beirut
Austrian intelligence agent dies because of arms deal. Investigation in Lebanon and Greece. Report in Wiener newspaper.
The Noricum-affair
Article in Basta . The state-owned group VOEST exports artillery to Iran illegally. The Austrian government attempts to suppress the truth. In September 1985, I report illegal weapon deals to the police. The beginning of a nationwide scandal. The coalition of Labour (SPÖ) and Freedom Democrats (FPÖ) runs a defamatory campaign against me. I face death threats. Factual ban from journalistic profession since public prosecutors freeze the inquiry in 1986, and Austrian Chancellor and Minister of the Interior accuse “the journalists of Basta ” of high treason. (Years later, the inquiry is continued.) Two years later, the artillery deal burst and the truth comes to light. Minister of the Interior Karl Blecha gets a suspended sentence 1993. Details
Occupational change
Founding of Hargitay & Partners, who later became List & Partners, in Vienna. Specialized in strategic and crisis communication. Managing partner. Before long, it became one of the most successful agencies in this field.
Edition “Zeitthema”
Magazine serial reflecting scientific discourse on controversial viewpoints like animal testing, gene technology, energy, Europe etc.
100 years after its founding, the legendary satirical icon SIMPLICISSMUS is back with a trial issue in 1996. Print run of 500,000 copies. Regular issues follow shortly; sales figures rise from fourth issue onwards. Success in sight.
Death of a magazine
SIMPLICISSIMUS annoys influential circles in Austria and Germany by reporting on SS lootings and their mysterious beneficiaries. Before long, the seemingly optimistic magazine gets axed heinously.
“Deutschland gegen Deutsch”
Project-consulting and investigation. Director: Mike Juncker. Film centres around one particular case of SS looting. Same story that became SIMPLICISSMUS’ s downfall. As of 2005 the film has been presented in Germany and in France. It will continue to be diffused. Details
The SS Conspiracy
Book project. The book deals with themes that the above mentioned film only sketches (by order of public German TV stations). As its core theme, it gives details of a conspiracy of SS members of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA), the headquarters of SS murder, which begins in the sixties and continues to this day.
This conspiracy still exists in Germany and Austria.
The Deutsch Affair
2018 –
The book with the same title will appear in September in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. From the research is a bit too famous Hatvany collection stolen by the SS. In the sixties was this triggered the Hans Deutsch-affair. This art collection is probably still in a secret vault in the Saxon Erzgebirge. A research project now focuses on the replacement of these masterpieces. Details